How to Select the Right EHR Provider for Your Practice | Halemind EHR

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3 min readJul 9, 2022


Halemind EHR

Electronic Health Record services are fast gaining wider acceptance among the Indian hospitals and doctors. EHRs’ with their numerous benefits have positioned themselves as a viable alternative to traditional approach and are becoming hard to ignore by each passing day. As more hospitals are showing their interest and enthusiasm to integrate their practice with EHR, they should consider some indispensable checks before zeroing on one EHR.

Problem Solver:

EHR’s are primarily used for streamlining the workflow, reducing the paperwork, and workload on the doctors, staff, and hospital as a whole. The major introspections should be to check if the EHR is helping the practice solve the problems or creating new ones. If the EHR is unable to fulfil any of the aforementioned functions or in turn complicating the process of care by being counterproductive, then it is time to switch to a more refined EHR that suits your practice needs.

Patient Centric:

The hospitals and doctors always strive for better patient engagement. Patients are the core reason behind their adoption to any new tools, software or services. If the patient is kept in dark or if the patient is not at the helm of affairs, then the adopted software, however innovative it maybe is bound to fail. So, pick an EHR, which has patients at the forefront and gives them a seamless experience through a patient-centric approach.


Pricing is a major concern while signing up for a service. Some of the softwares out there are exorbitantly prices in comparison with others for the same features and services. Pick an EHR with all the modules integrated into it at a competitive market price. Also, by subscribing to a web-based EHR system helps hospitals to avoid any hardware cost and can access it remotely.


The majority of EHR softwares out there in the market are not made keeping a certain specialisation in mind. The requirements of a dentist differ from those of a psychiatrist. This paves way for some inefficiencies while using a software not designed for your specialisation. EHR users should have a free hand in personalising the software to serve their needs better.

Technical Support:

Physicians and hospital staff are not the most tech savvy group out there and might need some initial push for digitising their practice. It is quite common to see some early adopters facing issues with the use of technology and a strong technical support is needed for the success of any tech products. If your current EHR vendor is not providing sound tech support, then it’s time to rethink.

Ease of Use:

As described above, physicians and hospital staff may find it difficult to operate EHR if it is built complexly. User experience should be given a top priority with Smooth Interface and Systems Integration. The interface should be clutter free and user-friendly. Even with such great technological advancements in the medical field, many EHR’s in the market are obsolete with bad design and shady build. You may come across many softwares that look and function as windows 95. So, pick an EHR which is interactive and easy to use.

Scalable and Interoperable:

The EHR should be scalable to your future needs. Useful features that EHRs offer include e-prescribing and electronically ordering laboratory tests and results. So, EHRs’ should be built in such a way that all the pharmacies and laboratories can be configured to the interface properly to achieve interoperability.

How HaleMind addresses these challenges.

Halemind EHR and Hospital Management Software

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